Covid Safe Plans and QR Codes Update

Covid Safe Plans and QR Codes Update

We have deliberately taken a conservative approach across our network for two reasons – it is socially responsible to do so and we would prefer to operate to the highest standard to ensure your owners corporation’s compliance.
Where there have been anomalies in the regulations and where there are in the future, we have and will always chose to operate to the highest standard, in line with our Best Practices philosophy.
Where the regulations have differed from the verbal advice given by various Government authorities, we will only modify our approach if the verbal advice is either confirmed in writing or is attributable to a person within the Government (ie we have a name and reference number documenting the time and date of the call).
To be clear, as outlined on the Corona Virus website controlled by the Victorian Government, as at 28 May 2021:

  • Every Owners Corporation MUST have a CovidSafe Plan. The COVIDSafe Plan applies to common areas including access points, lifts, foyers and hallways, as well as shared facilities such as gyms, pools, dining and entertainment areas;
  • Apartment buildings do NOT require QR codes upon entry, including in foyers or at a front gate. However, gyms and pools in apartment buildings require electronic record keeping at the entrance to these facilities. To be clear, visitors to your property do NOT need to register; and
  • Notwithstanding visitors to your property do not need to register, every OC MUST use electronic record keeping for any person who attends communal areas for longer than 15 minutes. At this stage, the only approved vehicle for this is the state government’s service,

Additionally, building managers must:

  • limit the number of people in communal areas by using signage that indicates the one person per two square metre density quotient and maximum number permitted in the area at one time; and
  • display signage stating the maximum number of members of the public that may be present in the space at a single time (as permitted by the density quotient), and any current face mask requirements which apply.

If these rules change at any time, we will adjust our response to reflect the government regulations at any future point in time.

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